Welcome to Four Lakes Athletic Club, the top Fitness and Indoor Tennis club in Walworth County.
We offer state-of-the-art facilities, top-notch amenities, and a supportive community. Elevate your fitness and tennis skills or immerse yourself in wellness and relaxation. Experience invigorating workouts, expert instruction, and rejuvenating self-care. Your well-being is our priority as we help you reach your full potential and unlock a healthier, fitter, and more fulfilling you.
Our Facility, Your Resource.
At Four Lakes Athletic Club, each of its 65,000 square feet is here to serve your needs. Take advantage of the six indoor tennis courts, indoor track, and the largest fitness facility in the area. Engage in the fitness classes held in one of the Group Fitness Studios or cardiovascular training center. Take advantage of our brand new circuit training and hammer strength equipment, free weights, and new functional fitness studio. And best of all... get ignited by our educated and experienced personal training or tennis staff dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.
*Membership pricing shown on the FAMILY MEMBERSHIP is for the first person only, please choose the membership option that fits best for you and Add Dependents to see total cost. Dependents include spouse, significant other, and children between 12-21 years of age.
We have indoor tennis for everyone - USTA leagues, Women’s Tennis, Men’s Tennis, or Youth Tennis/Junior Tennis, Private Lessons and more. From beginners to high level competitive players, we have many options for you!
Click below to see our many Indoor tennis offerings
We are located in Elkhorn, Wisconsin but our members come from all over Walworth County and beyond including Lake Geneva, Williams Bay, Fontana, Delavan, East Troy, Waterford, Mukwonago, Muskego, Union Grove, Burlington, and Whitewater, as well as Harvard, Richmond, Rockford, Spring Grove and Antioch, IL.
Four Lakes Athletic Club is such a fun place! All different kinds of people go there. I always feel welcome and comfortable there.
I must say the staff and facility are great! I always look forward to the chances that I get to be able to spend time at Four Lakes. I highly recommend FLAC to anyone who is looking to either work out, play tennis, have fun, or all of the above. Many of the programs, especially the Zumba class are super awesome!
Four Lakes Athletic Club is my home away from home. Their tennis program is super-- the pros keep us learning, no matter how long we've played. I'm going to Colorado for the winter and I will miss all of the nice staff and tennis ladies. See you all next year!
I have a lot of friends in this athletic club. With my situation, the club means the world to me. It is gratifying for me because it helps me along. I’ve been here six years, and I have truly enjoyed myself. I never thought I would be in this (personal) predicament, but I am a person who will never give up. The club is a lot of things to me…I go away satisfied.
A lot of my friends come to Four Lakes Athletic Club. There are a lot of nice and really helpful people here who aren’t afraid to be social and helpful. I like to use the Hammer Strength machines and the track. Since I’ve started working out at FLAC, I feel like I have some more energy when I’m doing other stuff—like heavy lifting at home. I know I’m getting stronger, too.
Basically Four Lakes Athletic Club has a fun, family atmosphere. It’s diverse in all different areas—the equipment, the members, and the trainers. There’s a big variety of equipment like the free weights, the HammerStrength machines, running and walking track, tennis courts, basketball court, etc. There’s a large range in the clientele, too. There’s always a smile for you here. You can be in a yoga outfit or walking on the track in jeans—and both are fine. The group fitness classes are great, and there’s a variety of different members in class. I’ve been here 3-4 years and I see that the personal trainers are strong men and women. They’re involved in all different kinds of activities and all have different specialties. For example, one woman works with cardiac rehab patients, and one trainer helps with basketball. There’s a wealth of knowledge to be found in the trainers in all different kinds of areas. There’s always something going on at the club—a weight loss challenge, 3-on-3 basketball, volleyball. I also have never belonged to a club that lets you post your goals on the wall. It’s great. The camaraderie is a big part of FLAC—all in all it’s an upbeat, friendly place.
I like FLAC because I find it low key, and it’s not like people have to make a fashion statement. (For example, you don’t have to wear a super fancy yoga outfit.) The club is inexpensive and it’s in a good location. And the people are friendly—everyone is down to earth.
First of all, the personnel at Four Lakes who work here are really gracious. Secondly, it’d a good place to meet people. Thirdly, it’s very good for your health, and I’m sure everyone would say the same thing!
I enjoy the friendly people at Four Lakes Athletic Club. The instructors are great and we have a lot of fun with them too. I go to the Silver Sneakers classes, and we have fun because it’s not always really serious, and it’s not supposed to be! That’s all part of it!
Being at Four Lakes has improved my strength and I’m not as lazy as I used to be. I’m more active than before I joined. Before I joined, I wasn’t moving around when I was home—I’d just watch TV. Being here has also improved my mentality. Before I used to say “I can’t do it.” Now I’m less like that. And it’s fun.
The club is great and all the people who work here are friendly. Most people who come here are social. FLAC is a place you can come in the summer or winter. In the summer you can come here to get away from the heat and humidity. In the winter you can get away from the cold and snow. I use the walking track and the weights upstairs. Great location, and a great building all around.
I like everything about Four Lakes Athletic Club. The classes—especially the step class. Well, actually all of them. I try to take all of them. Zumba is a good cardio workout. My sisters and I get to hang out and dance Zumba together. I sweat a lot in there! We get to workout together, and my sister and I push our other sister to work hard here. It’s fun!
I love it at FLAC! It’s like a second family. It’s nice because everyone here knows your name and they’re so helpful and nice. Like the ladies’ tennis team I’m on—after my surgery they all texted me to make sure I was okay. Everyone takes care of each other here. I actually like this place better than my house—I don’t have to clean this place!
We’ve been members at Four Lakes for a long time. I like it. Everyone in my family enjoys coming here. My brother, my dad, and I play basketball together; it’s our family ritual. We actually spend more time here together then at home because outside of this we’re all so busy working. I feel ten times better when I leave here than when I came in. I usually go straight to work after I leave, and I always feel like I have more energy.
At FLAC I can go at my own pace. I don’t feel pressured, and I don’t feel like it’s a “young” vs. “old” kind of situation. Everybody’s friendly and no one thinks they’re better than other people. I think everybody feels like they’re on the same level, and everyone respects each other. Everyone helps you. There’s cooperation among the members, and you’ve got a friendly staff.
At Four Lakes Athletic Club you can always go to a trainer and ask for help. It’s a step up from other clubs where I’ve been a member where you just have to do everything on your own. The classes are great too!
Best of Walworth County: Four Lakes Athletic Club